



Discontinuity is the result of shear separation. It suggests fragmentation in a continuous process. In linguistics, this break typically implies the initiation of a new character, word, sentence, paragraph, or chapter depending on its context. This concept is similarly employed in the operative conditions of digital grammar. The legibility and syntax of the digital language depends on character recognition. The shear distinction enables digital programs to dictate software processes based on value associated with characters. Value, in this case, acts as a gateway and triggers commands to progress or conclude. Programs are designed to read these sequences of digital grammar and react accordingly.

So, how does discontinuity in digital grammar effect people? Is it possible for these traits to carry through digital programming and effect people? Routine interaction with digital programs may eventually have an effect on our processing behavior and standard of anticipation.

Next I will assess how human-digital interaction has inspired styles of communication, processing behavior, and standards of anticipation. Many of these topics will be observed with the intention of revealing traits of discontinuity; one of digital grammar’s primary traits.