[Original Image © Synthitect]
In the "Many-Worlds Interpretation" of Quantum Theory, we occupy an infinite array of continually progressing & non-deterministic realities. In such a vast and seemingly chaotic version of life, is it possible to maintain a relationship with the past, present and future versions of ourselves; of our peers? And further, is it possible to interact with alternate versions of ourselves and the past, present and future versions of that iteration? From our current, and very linear perspective, this is a difficult concept to grasp. But, in the quantum world, these translations and relationships are native to its underlying framework. Particles are entangled, space and time become one, and information exists simultaneously across multiple, or infinite universes.
From your perspective, the universe is singular. Your life's path is definite, linear, and forward-moving. And, with each decision you consciously make or agree to, your universe follows. But, from another observers perspective, their universe follows their decisions; their timeline. This doesn't imply that were are alone, barreling through a randomized and chaotic life. The quantum world enables infinite versions of your consciousness living out various lifelines according to the decisions that version of "self" has made. Likewise, alternate conscious versions of ourselves are living out lifelines in other observers universe, still able to diverge and influence new branches from that observers reality construct.
The diagram above attempts to depict lifelines based on multiple conscious observer's decisions and influences on their particular reality constructs. The lifelines will share frames of reference at moments, and bifurcate to create new reality constructs at other moments. Perhaps, in the future, we will develop technologies that allow us to navigate these intricate fields of opportunities.
From your perspective, the universe is singular. Your life's path is definite, linear, and forward-moving. And, with each decision you consciously make or agree to, your universe follows. But, from another observers perspective, their universe follows their decisions; their timeline. This doesn't imply that were are alone, barreling through a randomized and chaotic life. The quantum world enables infinite versions of your consciousness living out various lifelines according to the decisions that version of "self" has made. Likewise, alternate conscious versions of ourselves are living out lifelines in other observers universe, still able to diverge and influence new branches from that observers reality construct.
The diagram above attempts to depict lifelines based on multiple conscious observer's decisions and influences on their particular reality constructs. The lifelines will share frames of reference at moments, and bifurcate to create new reality constructs at other moments. Perhaps, in the future, we will develop technologies that allow us to navigate these intricate fields of opportunities.